For the first time, megastar Amitabh Bachchan and superstar Prabhas began filming together for Vyjayanthi Movies’ forthcoming film, Project K. Director Nag Ashwin, who won a National Film Award for his work on the Tamil film Mahanati, is helming the project. A new world has been constructed at Hyderabad’s Ramoji Film City by the filmmaking team. It’s safe to assume that, given the film’s excellent production value, the audience will see something special.
There has been a rush of excitement among the fans when it was announced that Big B, Prabhas, and Deepika Padukone had joined ‘Project K.’ Everybody is in awe of the Shahenshah and Bahubali star, who has been revealing his filming progress via social media. The crew is now filming on a massive set created in Hyderabad’s Ramoji Film City.
Prabhas and Amitabh Bachchan made their Baahubali debut on the first day of shooting, and it was an “honor to be alongside Prabhas and his skill,” Bachchan wrote on Twitter. “Imbibed to learn live!”
It was a dream come true for Prabhas to work with Amitabh Bachchan, he said. He shared a picture of Amitabh Bachchan from the 1975 film Deewar, in which he played the lead. “It’s like a dream come true for me,” he said as the picture’s caption. Mr. @amitabhbachchan, sir, it is a special day.
Producers are excited about Deepika too
Deepika Padukone also appears in the film. All three of the biggest names in the business will collaborate on this project. Despite the fact that Deepika and Big B have previously collaborated, the makers of this film made a big deal out of her involvement. It is a pleasure to welcome Deepika, the beloved daughter of the South, to the world. Welcome to the country’s most illustrious monarch. We can do this together.
Project K Movie Release Date
When Deepika returned after shooting in Hyderabad, she had said that she wants to come back here soon. Talking about the release of the film, it is expected to release in the last quarter of the year 2023.