Divyanka Tripathi has been toggling herself amid the shoot of Yeh Hai Mohabbatein (her daily soap) and Cold Lassi Aur Chicken Masala (her digital series) these days. The actress will be witnessed in a refreshing new role in the web series where she will have a role of chef. Featuring opposite the beautiful actress will be Rajeev Khandelwal, the TV heartthrob.
The first look of the web show is already out and fans already like the lead couple’s blistering chemistry. supposedly, Divyanka is taking a break of one month from Yeh Hai Mohabbatein to shoot for Cold Lassi Aur Chicken Masala.
The actress has already started the shoot for the web show and shared a cute pic with other chefs.
ALTBalaji Cold Lassi Aur Chicken Masala Cast
Rajeev and Divyanka will also be witnessed as management pupils in the web series. “All I can state it is a multi-layered beautiful tale that Divyanka Tripathi and Rajeev Khandelwal’s fans and the viewers will take pleasure of,” Divyanka claimed about the web series when asked in an interview by the media. The series is authored by Jaya Mishra and will mark the digital debut of Divyanka Tripathi.
ALTBalaji Cold Lassi Aur Chicken Masala Trailer
Divyanka in spite of her hectic schedule adjusts to take out time for things she is concerned about. This is same as how she attended her BFF’s wedding earlier, taking a break from The Voice. She also inaugurated her mother’s art academy and managed to cast her vote in Bhopal.
The actress is all set to be a chef for her upcoming web series by ALT Balaji. Ekta Kapoor, the producer, earlier revealed the first look of the show.
Ekta Kapoor earlier posted to social media account and launched the first look. She posted, “So the spicy Cold Lassi Aur Chicken Masala web series is here. And guess the hero! One hint he is acc to me ‘the hottest tv actor so far #ColddLassiAurChickenMasala @Divyanka_T #ALTBalajiOriginal @altbalaji”
Food and love make the world go around !!! Wat if they are in connection with d same person !!! ??? #ColddLassiAurChickenMasala shoot starts this December!#StreamingSoon#ALTBalajiOriginal @altbalaji @Divyanka_T @RK1610IsMe pic.twitter.com/qi47HStytJ
— Ekta Kapoor (@ektaravikapoor) November 1, 2018
The web series Cold Lassi Aur Chicken Masala stars two of the most sought-after and successful TV actors, Shabir Ahluwalia and Divyanka Tripathi in the lead.
Rajeev claimed to the media, “This one is an interesting love story. The beauty is in the manner it is written and expressed. We have a great group on board and everybody is equally charged and excited about it. Collaborating with Ekta has always been extraordinary for me. This is my 3rd project with her and I expect I keep giving her sufficient reasons to carry on working with me, similar to how she does.”
Cold Lassi Aur Chicken Masala has been created by ALT Balaji, the digital streaming service of Balaji Telefilms by Ekta Kapoor. The web series started to shoot from December. Writer Jaya Misra is claimed to pen the story and be onboard.
The producers had a few days back shared the first image with the words CLACM, (short form for Cold Lassi Aur Chicken Masala) asking the users to guess the title. Shortly one more poster had Divyanka getting cozy with her co-star, just that we could not see his face. All this had only kept admirers asking for more and guessing.
Please make the season 2 soon……