After a successful venture on the digital platform with Pataal Lok, Anushka Sharma is all set to release yet another web series produced by her, Jamuna Paar. The web series will be streamed on the Amazon Prime Video soon.
Jamuna Paar Star Cast
- Jaideep Ahalwat
- Gul Panag
- Jagdeep Sandhu
- Neeraj Kabi
- Abhisheek Banarjee
- Swastika
The Jamuna Paar web series will mark the presence of few renowned actors from the industry. The web series is directed by Avinash Arun.
Jamuna Paar Story
The story of Jamuna Paar is said to have its origins from the book named “The Story of My Assassins” written by the famous Indian journalist Tarun Tejpal and is inspired by true events. Talking about the book, the plot follows the tale of an individual whose death is planned by the police itself. However, the web series will be a Delhi-based investigative drama. As per a resource, “It is an investigative thriller that also serves as a contemptuous commentary of modern-day Indian society and politics.” At the moment, much of the show’s details are being kept under the wraps. Though the resource further also mentioned, “The show is made along the lines of US show, True Detective and is being intended as a multi-season web series if season 1 performs fine. However, this season will have 10 episodes and concentrates on one particular case.”
Jamuna Paar Release Date
The web series had gone into production this year in February and was finished early this week following shooting for more than 4 months in a number of locations in Mumbai, Delhi, Madhya Pradesh, and Gujarat. However, neither the OTT platform nor the makers of the show have made any formal validation regarding the release date of the Jamuna Paar. But we can still anticipate the web series to make its way on the screen sometime around October 2020 on Amazon Prime.