“Mastram” is an erotic drama and adult comedy web series starring Anshuman Jha, Tara Alisha Berry, streamed on MX player on 30 April 30, 2020, with 10 episodes.
MX Player Mastram Plot
This web series set in the 80s, Mastram sketches the life of an aspiring writer Raghu Ram. In his bank job, he dreams of breaking free and making a name as a writer. His novel however never makes it to the print and finally, he brings himself to write a piece of a soft adult. Life changes and Mastram is born.
Rajaram thinks of getting rid of his boredom and writes sleazy literature with lots of sensual stuff that eventually gets out for publication and becomes popular overnight turning Rajaram into Mastram.
After watching all episodes it seems it is still ablaze for such kind of literature which is full of steamy scenes and adult desires. In the past, it was published in regional language but now the language has become universal in the form of digital platforms. Mastram kind of literature or series should be strictly for those who have a sense of right and wrong. And have a clear vision to discriminate between love and lust.
However, it’s an exceedingly beautifully shot web series, the cinematographer provides complete support to the director’s vision. The dialogue writing is up to the mark, especially where Mastram is narrating his stories. But this kind of story with its sensual theme and adult scenes may appeal only to a certain stream of the audience but I am sure it won’t make an impression as a good web series.
MX Player Mastram Trailer
MX Player Mastram Cast
- Alisha Berry
- Anshuman Jha
- Aakash Dabhade
- Rani Chatterjee
- Jagat Rawat
Anshuman Jha has done a splendid job as Rajaram, he is easily able to depict inutility of character with a gesture, while Tara Alisha berry also had landed good support. And Vipin Sharma is very funny as a book publisher.
MX Player Mastram Direction
Akhilesh Jaiswal direction is plausible, he tried to deliver something new in the sleazy story but failed in it.
MX Player Mastram Review
MX Player Mastram web series has great storyline some bold scenes and good work done by cameraman if you love the adult series if you are going to watch it for content Never ever think to watch this, there is nothing in story and acting except boldness.